Okay, so I finally got around to sorting through all the photos I've taken since we left LA on July 22. I'm gonna post them here chronologically and try to piece our journey together.
My best buddy, Steve, and his wonderful wife, Denise, traveled with us on the drive to CO. We were taking both of our cars, so it helped to have some company. Steve rode with me the whole time and the girls rode together the entire trip as well.
Here is Dana with Denise and Steve inside the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas.

So we went the northern route mainly because it's a few hours shorter, but also because it's much easier to navigate that route in the summer without the snow. We took the 210 and 15 freeways to Vegas and stayed there for the first night at the Golden Nugget. The four of us got some great front-row seats to see the Blue Man Group at the Venetian, and had a blast. Steve was actually a part of the show, as one of the Blue Men put a camera down his throat (much cooler than it sounds) during the show, not to mention Stevo got a standing ovation from the crowd before the show even started just for being a normal guy. (They just thought he was normal, but I know better.) We also dominated at the Golden Nugget's $3 blackjack tables. If you've never been to the Golden Nugget, it's in the old part of Vegas, and it has this incredible pool where you can ride a waterslide through a shark tank.

The next day was the longest section of the drive. We drove across Nevada, then across Utah, into Colorado where we stayed in Grand Junction.
Southern Utah has got to be the most rural place in the continental United States. We would drive for miles and not see anyone, not even a car on the road. In fact, I could count on one hand the number of towns along the entire trip across the state. This leads me to believe that it's also the most under-rated place in America. Utah was beautiful! Dana and I visited the Grand Canyon back in March during Spring Training, and there were areas of Utah that rivaled the Grand Canyon. We drove along Interstate 70 through St. George and past Moab. The following photos are my feeble attempt to show you what we saw. God is an incredible artist.

Eventually we made it to Colorado. (Yay!) We stayed that night in Grand Junction. Funny anecdote: Dana and I were taking the elevator to our room when the power in the town went out. The elevator dropped a few feet and let me tell you... that is a scary situation. We waited around for about 10 minutes before the Fire Department showed up and freed us. I remember hearing someone shouting down to us from above inside the elevator shaft, asking if we were okay. Of course we said we were okay, but I get a little claustrophobic at times, so I was glad to get out when we did. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
The next day we drove from Grand Junction, into Denver, and then south to Colorado Springs. Along the way, we drove through the Rocky Mountains, where I shot this beautiful photo outside of Vail. Click the photo for a larger version.

We started looking for houses right away. It helped to have
the House Hunter himself helping us out.
I took this photo in the basement of one of the homes. It's nice to see a family where Christ is the focus. (Click to see a larger version):

We spent the remainder of the weekend sightseeing around the Springs. (We quickly found out that locals don't refer to this city as Colorado Springs. It's simply the Springs.) We went on a tour of the Garden of the Gods, and also strolled around the Air Force Academy.

It was tough driving our friends back to the airport. I wish they could have stayed permanently, but we look forward to seeing them again soon. One of the quirky things about DIA (Denver International Airport) is the crazy fiberglass bronco that greets people. It's this giant, blue, anatomically correct mustang with bulging ribs and glowing red eyes. It's only been there for a year-and-a-half, and there's already a
Facebook petition with almost 1300 people hoping to get rid of it.
The harbinger of death welcomes you to Denver. Have a nice stay.
We've had a blast hanging out with Dana's sister, Kelly, and her family. I have a feeling they will show up a lot in the future of this blog. For now, here I am rocking out with Chris (on drums) and Tyler (center) on Guitar Hero.

Last week we went to the local ballpark to see the SkySox play. They are the AAA-affiliate of the Colorado Rockies. I couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day. It was a double-header AND we had an awesome fireworks show after. Chris and Tyler drove down from Denver to catch the game with us, and we also sat with Aaron and Emily Otten (some of you may remember her as Emily Hollon from before she married). We've been going to their church since we moved here and really like it.

And finally... our POD. It arrived in one piece, and surprisingly, everything was pretty much in the same position it was when it left our former home in L.A. I was really worried about that, so this totally made my day.