Saturday, January 30, 2010

More of the Same

Been kinda slow here the past month.  And sometimes that is the best news possible.  It allows us to get better situated in our home, get some overdue tasks out of the way.

I don't have much to write, but I really want to keep this blog up, so here's what popped into my head as I was writing this:
  • I gotta do my taxes, but for the first time ever, I think I'm gonna have a professional do them.  I think with the move, buying a home, and various jobs that it could get overwhelming and a hiing someone else is a good idea.
  • I'm so thankful for my wife, for endless reasons.  She just brought me some sliced pears to munch on.  Awesome.
  • I just finished Assassin's Creed 2.  Awesome game. Thanks to Newell and Karen for a fun Christmas gift.
  • Despite all the rain that L.A. had the past week, none of that made it's way to the Springs.  We had clear skies the whole time.
  • Dana's family is coming over for Superbowl.  I like the Colts and Saints, so I'm impartial.  I do think the Saints will win though, because they have a better defense.
  • I'm enjoying studying Daniel at church.  Learning a lot about true faith in God.
  • My folks *might* be visiting us in mid-March during Dana's Spring Break.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  • I'm working on my own on a website now for company that sells personalized Christian greeting cards.  Visitors to the site can actually sign their name using their mouse and the company will print the card with the signature and handle the postage as well.  I think it's a handy idea, but it's a lot of work.  Shopping Carts are not the easiest thing to create.
  • The florescent light fixture in our kitchen is broken.  I'm no electrician, but I tried fix it.  Worked great for about a week, and now it's broken again.  I think it has a bad ballast. 
  • Another reason why I love my wife:  For my birthday back in December, Dana signed me up for Center Ice, which is a TV package where I get to see every NHL hockey game live on TV.   It's necessary to see my L.A. Kings play since Fox Sports West blacks out out-of-market games.  I LOVE being able to watch the games... can't stress it enough.  I get to see not only the L.A. feed, but also the opponents' broadcast teams as well.  Funny thing is that sometimes the Kings don't broadcast the game locally in L.A., so my friends and family back home can;t watch the game while I can.  Go figure.  Anyway, Kings have won 6 of their last 7 games, with the only loss in a close one to the first place Sharks. I can't wait to see some playoff hockey this year.
  • Speaking of hockey, Dana's Teacher's Assistant, Colleen, invited us to an Air Force hockey game with her and her husband.  That was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing more games there.Some photos I took at the game:

 AF beat UConn 2-1.
The adjacent indoor practice track facility.  Check out the motivational words on the wall.  Let there be no doubt who the Air Force's biggest rival is.