Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Road Trip, part 1A

Okay, so the reason why this post isn't titled "Road Trip, Part 2" is because there is no Part 2 for me to post at the moment.  All of my photos were on my desktop PC and that thing took a hard crash two weeks ago, taking my photos with it.

And since that machine was my money maker, you can imagine where my focus has been the past two weeks as I struggled to piece all of my web clients' sites together using Dana's laptop PC.  Truth be told, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be -- I had backups of nearly everything, and whatever I was missing was recovered via FTP.

I bought a new computer last week from Newegg, and the replacement money maker should be here sometime this week, complete with Windows 7.  Yay.

The good news for you, dear readers, is that the photos are not lost.  The hard drive from the broken computer is still good, and the original photos are still on the camera.  So Part 2 is forthcoming.  Stay thirsty, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Good news - my new computer arrived today. Thank you, Newegg.
